Article Series: Future of Money: Monetary revolution or evolution?

Speculation abounds on how new digital technologies will alter money and payments, with a great deal of emphasis placed on cryptocurrencies, blockchain and decentralised finance.
Peter Ware, Head of Research & Development at the ADGM Academy Research Centre, sat down with Professor Alistair Milne, Loughborough University, and Ronit Ghose, Head of Future of Finance Research, Citi, to discuss their views on money and the drivers of change.
The discussion revealed some scepticism of the more radical visions of the future, for example those envisaging that crypto or other digital currencies will supplant existing bank-based money. Yet by learning from key developments that have enabled significant change in the way money is held and used, there was agreement that we can identify where innovation is more likely to take hold.
Alistair Milne,
Professor of Financial Economics,
School of Business and Economics, Loughborough University
Ronit Ghose,
Head of Future of Finance Team,