National upskilling initiatives see more Emiratis join private sector: ADGM Academy-KPMG report

Abu Dhabi, 16 February, 2022: Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) Academy and KPMG Lower Gulf launched a new report on developments from the UAE’s National Employability agenda. ‘The Importance of Emiratization in Building a Nation’ report highlights the UAE government’s efforts in developing national talent and building a culture of sustainable employment in the UAE’s financial sector through unique employ-to-train programmes. The report also focuses on the unique approach of private-public partnerships to ensure balanced and long term career progression of Emirati nationals in the private sector.
Nader Haffar, Chairman of KPMG Middle East and South Asia and Chairman and CEO of KPMG Lower Gulf, said: “The UAE government has consistently worked with the public and private sector to enhance the career prospects of young Emiratis. For KPMG, nurturing and investing in a diverse and inclusive workforce, including Emirati talent, is a strategic priority and our core value of community commitment. We aim to be the preferred professional services employee for UAE nationals.”
Hamad Al Mazrouei, Managing Director, ADGM Academy and Chief Operating Officer, ADGM, said: “The financial industry continues to evolve, and new skillsets and competencies are vital to meet the current market needs to ensure long term prosperity and sustainability of the nation. The UAE government understands the importance and value of the Emirati talent pool and the need for them to be a part of the broader private sector. To bolster this plan, , the government has launched unique efforts and programmes to support Emirati nationals in their career ambitions and foster their professional development. To accelerate the upskilling of Emirati talent, Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) Academy introduced its unique National Development Programmes to raise the bar for financial education, literacy and digital skills in the UAE and wider MENA region. The ADGMA programmes are structured to provide candidates a rigorous blended learning experience with international qualification training, soft skill development, and on the job training. ADGMA is proud to have created more than 500 new employment opportunities for its graduates since 2018. ADGMA will continue to work closely with ADGM in building up Abu Dhabi and the UAE as a leading centre of knowledge and a global platform for financial and business talent.”
The report spotlights the success of Pre-Audit Qualification Training (PAQT) Programme, which was designed and managed by the ADGM Academy, in alliance with the Abu Dhabi Human Resource Authority, the Abu Dhabi Accountability Authority, and private sector partners including KPMG Lower Gulf. Of the 98 KPMG PAQT candidates enrolled in four cohorts since inception, 28% have completed the programme, 47% are on track and still participating, and nearly all PAQT candidates have found full-time employment. KPMG itself has hired seven of the first cohort of 12 PAQT graduates.
The UAE government has introduced numerous initiatives to enable and increase the number of Emirati talent in the job market and contribute to the wider economy. The government allocated AED 24 billion to upskill young Emirati talent, incentivise private sector hiring of UAE nationals, establish a 10% Emiratisation quota in the private sector and create over 75,000 jobs by 2026.
Aligning with the federal government’s Projects of the 50 initiative, the UAE Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation has launched several projects to nurture talent. These include the ‘100 Programmers Every Day’ initiative to increase the number of Emirati coders by around 50% and help build local programming companies. Notably, 13 projects have been introduced under the NAFIS programme to offer incentives for private sector hiring of Emiratis, upskilling and reskilling.
Leading local private sector companies have enhanced local hiring processes at entry and senior management levels and created Emirati training programme. Highlights of the report include:
• Government led initiatives at both a local and federal level
• Private sector initiatives supporting the Emiratisation agenda in the country.
• Public-private partnership engagements and initiatives to ensure alignment of interests and intent.
• ADGMA’s PAQT Programme case study with KPMG lower gulf highlighting the structure, successes and learnings.