Solicitor Qualification Examination (SQE)

SQE 1 and SQE 2 Exam Preparation Course.
A new fast-track path to qualification.
The new Solicitors Qualification Examination has recently become the principal route to qualification as a Solicitor (England & Wales). The new regime has greatly enhanced access to the qualification and represents a substantial opportunity for interested candidates in the Middle East.
The newly launched ADGM School of Law will be running bespoke preparatory courses for both stages of the SQE.
WHY qualify as a Solicitor (England & Wales)?
There is an ongoing shift towards English Law governing most commercial transactions across the region. This is most evident in the form taken in more complex matters such as banking, project finance and construction which closely follow an English law model.
In reflection of this, financial districts (including the ADGM) have introduced full-blown English legal systems, including Courts. The relevance of the Solicitor (England & Wales) qualification has and continues to increase and has the potential to greatly enhance the career prospects of existing lawyers and those new to the profession.
Private Sector Partners

SQE’s Four Main Components:

Pass the SQE Part 1 Exam

Pass the SQE Part 2 Exam

Accumulate at least 2 years Qualifying Work Experience

Meet the SRA’s current Character and Suitability criteria
Only the exams need to be completed sequentially(a candidate cannot sit SQE2 without having first passed SQE1), otherwise candidate can collect QWE at any time or order prior to applying to be admitted as a Solicitor.
UNIQUE PROGRAMMES: “live, never pre-recorded…”
We believe that there is (still) nothing better than live, interactive teaching. We have combined our philosophy with the latest online tools to maximise the efficacy of our teaching.
Our SQE1 programme provides 200 hours of live teaching via our online platform together with 1-2-1 access to our faculty. Comprehensive preparatory courses for both SQE exams.
Our programmes use a “reversed learning” approach: Candidates will learn core materials through live and interactive online lectures followed by detailed face-to-face tutorials in small groups with our faculty.
Teaching is scheduled for evenings and weekends to minimise disruption to the working day.
Bespoke programmes for law firms and larger in-house legal teams. This allows for great flexibility and seamless integration with existing Learning & Development pathways.
In order to submit your application successfully, kindly make sure you match the criteria listed below. If not, please do not hesitate to have a look at alternative programmes on the main page.
21+ years old
Work Experience
Two years of Qualifying Work Experience
Graduate from the recognized university