Business Ethics of Islamic Banking & Finance
- Description:
This module has been designed to provide participants with an understanding of the fundamental underlying Islamic Banking and Finance. Participants will be provided with an introduction to Islamic economics and business ethics. This module explores general economic thought and how it compares and contrasts with Islamic economics. The development of the prohibition of interest is examined in some detail in its historic context. Different ethical systems are analysed and how they impact Islamic financial services. The module uses the AAOIFI code of ethics as basic guidance. Finally, the module covers the fundamental features of Islamic finance including the concept of money, preferred transaction types and a comparison between conventional and Islamic banks.
This module has been designed to provide participants with an understanding of the fundamental underlying Islamic Banking and Finance. Participants will be provided with an introduction to Islamic economics and business ethics. This module explores general economic thought and how it compares and contrasts with Islamic economics. The development of the prohibition of interest is examined in some detail in its historic context. Different ethical systems are analysed and how they impact Islamic financial services. The module uses the AAOIFI code of ethics as basic guidance. Finally, the module covers the fundamental features of Islamic finance including the concept of money, preferred transaction types and a comparison between conventional and Islamic banks. - Objectives:
- Audience:
All staff looking to acquire a solid understanding of the key principles underlying Islamic banking and finance.
- Prior Knowledge:
None assumed.