Problem Loan Management
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Problem Loan Management

  • Description:

    This advanced three-day course provides a rigorous and comprehensive framework for managing problem loans. Beginning with how problem loans affect an institutionu2019s soundness and reputation, the programme provides participants with an approach and methodology for identifying, assessing and managing problem loans, enabling them to develop and implement an effective plan for improving the banku2019s position.
    This advanced three-day course provides a rigorous and comprehensive framework for managing problem loans. Beginning with how problem loans affect an institutionu2019s soundness and reputation, the programme provides participants with an approach and methodology for identifying, assessing and managing problem loans, enabling them to develop and implement an effective plan for improving the banku2019s position.

  • Objectives:


  • Audience:

    This course is intended primarily for credit officers, corporate and commercial bankers and bankers working in loan administration or credit portfolio management who want to improve their knowledge and skills in this critical area.

  • Prior Knowledge:

    None assumed.