Legal Negotiation and Mediation Programme
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Legal Negotiation and Mediation Programme

  • Description:

    When 15th, 22nd and 29th June, 2021 – 17.00 – 19.30h

    (Virtual Delivery)

    For more information Download Course brochure

  • Objectives:

    The rise of cross-border commercial negotiation and mediation has placed a premium on well-trained client representation. Counsel are well-advised to be not only conversant with, but competent in skills of client advocacy in business negotiation and mediation. This course, offered over three half-days, affords the opportunity to receive transformative training from well-qualified practitioners in America and the UK. The training will culminate in joint certification by New York Law School and the Abu Dhabi Global Markets Academy, as well as the award of 9.0 New York State Continuing Education Credits for participants seeking such accreditation.

    Upon successful completion of the programme, participants will have acquired both knowledge and actual
    experience in:

    • Lawyers and business representatives, responsible with negotiating and managing transactional agreements and
    • managing and resolving litigated disputes.
    • Negotiating for commercial interests rather than positions
    • Using interest-based negotiation skills strategically
    • Devising appropriate dispute resolution structures
    • Using mediation strategically
    • Ensuring enforceable outcomes of negotiated settlements
  • Audience:

    Lawyers and Business representatives responsible with negotiating and managing transactional agreements and
    managing and resolving litigated disputes.

  • Prior Knowledge:
